International Grants and Bursaries at University of Pavia, Italy

Grants & Bursaries

Scholarships, available places in Pavia’s Collegi and financial benefits for students of the University of Pavia are managed by EDISU, a regional organisation for the right to university education.

EDiSu was founded by the University of Pavia, in collaboration with Lombardy Region. EDiSu has the goal to supervise and promote all dedicated initiatives and facilities for the right to education for students enrolled at the University of Pavia.

There are two categories of services provided by EDiSu:

1.Interventions attributed via competition;

2.Interventions for students in general.

The first category includes housing services and financial benefits.

The second category applies to a series of services varying from canteen service to cultural activities.

Scholarships and subsidies

Scholarships are granted via call for applicants to students with a low income and a good academic performance. The total sum of the scholarship varies according to the financial situation of the student’s family and the place of residence. The scholarship is distributed partly in services and partly in money, to which additional benefits are added, notably exemption from payment of the contribution fee for university enrolment. Integration to the scholarship is granted to students in the following conditions: differently-abled; participants to international mobility programmes; students taking a degree in a number of years equal to the legal duration of the course of study.

Scholarships are accessible by public calls for applicants, which follow the rules stated in the annual announcement.

NEW Calls for applicants are available for consultation on the EDiSu website for the academic year 2021-22! You can apply online (even if not yet enrolled) for grants, scholarships and a place in a local Collegio or students’ residence.

Check these guidelines on how to apply online to request the Edisu grants

Deadline to submit documentation to Edisu for international students a.y. 2021-22: 30 November 2021

Apply For Update